
Wednesday 14 May 2008

repetitive, nonsensical text

I had a surprise when I first posted today. I had to type in word verification to prove I was human . . . I've just checked and I'm pretty sure I'm human. Not much body hair and opposable thumbs. Is that enough?

This the explanation:

"As with many powerful tools, blogging services can be both used and abused. The ease of creating and updating webpages with Blogger has made it particularly prone to a form of behavior known as link spamming. Blogs engaged in this behavior are called spam blogs, and can be recognized by their irrelevant, repetitive, or nonsensical text, along with a large number of links, usually all pointing to a single site."

I suppose I'm guilty of many of those sins. Repetitive and nonsensical. That sounds like me. Lots of links? Could also be true. All to one site? That's probably my European Beer Guide. I'm always trying to drum up more business for that.


  1. This is actually a huge real-life problem, because there are lots of these auto-generated blogs with garbage content. It may sound incredible, but I assure you it's true. I have a number of automated feeds that give me blog postings about various subjects I care about, and quite often they turn up this sort of garbage.

    Here is one example. You have to look at it for a while before you realize that it really is just junk. This skews Google PageRanks and also turns up as junk search results, etc, so if Blogger can get rid of this shit that's good in my book.

  2. I don't doubt it's a real problem. I just wonder why they've picked out my blog.

    Maybe they've run a grammar analyser over it. My sentences. Their construction. Rules, rules, rules. Not my strong point.

    Maybe my posts are just nonsense.

  3. Interesting Interesting Interesting problem problem problem

  4. Did they really pick your blog? When I read this I thought it was a new Blogger feature that affected all bloggers. Would be great if that were the case.

  5. Yes, they picked me out. I'm not sure what it tells me about my prose style.

  6. They picked me out too, about two months ago buy Heineken buy Heineken buy Heineken but I have no idea why either drink Jack Daniel's drink Jack Daniel's drink Jack Daniel's. The problem is, ever since then, my posts Fat? Try Bud Light? Fat? Try Bud Light? are full of these really annoying adverts.

  7. You know what else is annoying? Popup window advertisements ;-)
