
Monday 16 December 2019

Christmas, beer and war

What goes together more than beer and Christmas? Beer, Christmas and war!

Extra beer for troops in India. Hooray!

"Troops' Christmas Beer
Bombay, Wednesday. British servicemen of India Command are to receive special issue of four bottles of beer on Christmas Day, addition the now "basic scale" of eight bottles each month."
Dundee Evening Telegraph - Wednesday 12 December 1945, page 3.
Seems fair enough. And in Bambury they were even letting the workhouse u=inmates have a Christmas beer. At least ratepayers weren't footing the bill.

At Monday’s meeting of the Banbury Guardians Committee, Aid. A. J. Butler presiding, Gapt. C. N. Keyser proposed what he referred to as “the hardy annual — the Christmas beer for inmates of the Warwick Road Institution.”

It was pointed out that the cost was not in any way fall upon public funds, and the usual collection to cover the cost was made amongst the members present.

The Master reported that there were at present 179 inmates at the Institution, as against 192 at a corresponding period last year.

Sanction had been obtained from the Ministry of Food to enable a pig to be killed for Christmas. Magazines from Mrs. Page were much appreciated, and had provided interesting reading for the inmates.

Friday, December 29th, had been provisionally fixed for stocktaking day.

Mrs. B. Allen, assistant nurse the Institution, having won her recent appeal against conviction, the subcommittee recommended that her suspension be cancelled and that she be reinstated."
Banbury Advertiser - Wednesday 13 December 1944, page 1.

Slightly concerned as to exactly which offence Nurse Allen had been convicted of.

1 comment:

  1. There's a paywalled reference at

    Looks like she was alleged to be an accomplice to a male thief who took marked notes from the purse of another nurse.
