
Friday 12 April 2019

Make yourself special

By brewing a beer first brewed on your birthday!

I have a literal shitload of brewing records. At least 15,000. Maybe more. I haven't been counting. What I do have is at least one for every day of the year. From January 1st to December 31st.

Even Christmas Day? I hear you ask. Yes, because it wasn't a public holiday in Scotland.

So click on that button just to the left. Get your own unique, personalised recipe. With original waffle from me about the beer and an image of the brewing record, just to prove I'm not fucking you around.

Should you not want to fork out for something individual, hundreds of historic recipes can be found in my outstanding new collection:


  1. I've just donated, but didn't see any opportunity to enter my date of birth. I assume I'll receive an email? If not, how should I contact you?

  2. I'm the lucky owner of such a personalised recipe, and the batches were brilliant! Thanks again! But the recipe called for an invert sugar, hard to come by over here. So I used brown basterd sugar for the second batch (having used Lyle&Tate syrup for the first one, as hard to come by).
    Could you provide a recipe to create invert sugar from raw cane sugar and citric acid?
    Thanks in advance!

  3. Anonymous,

    use the gadget on the left of my blog with the heading "GET IN TOUCH".

  4. G,

    As brewers’ invert sugars aren’t easily available, making them yourself is probably the best option. It doesn’t take a huge amount of ingredients or equipment. You’ll need:

    • cane sugar (not table sugar)
    • citric acid
    • water
    • a candy thermometer
    • a saucepan

    This is what you do:

    • For each pound (455 g) of sugar you use, bring 1 pint (473 ml) of water to the boil.
    • Switch off the heat and add the sugar slowly, dissolving it.
    • Add 1/4 teaspoon (1 g) of citric acid per pound of sugar.
    • Turn on the heat again (not too high) and set the alarm on the candy thermometer to 230ºF (110ºC).
    • Stir frequently while it starts to simmer.
    • When the temperature hits 230ºF (110, reset the alarm for 240ºF (115.6ºC).
    • Heat slowly (the slower the better) until the temperature gets to 240ºF (115.6ºC).
    • Lower the heat to keep at 240ºF–250ºF (115.6ºC –121.1ºC).
    • For No. 1 maintain at heat for 20–30 minutes.
    • For No. 2 maintain at heat for 90–120 minutes.
    • For No. 3 maintain at heat for 150–210 minutes.
    • For No. 4 maintain at heat for 240–300 minutes.

  5. Brilliant! Assuming an Inkbird bbq thermometer will do the job, by this time tomorrow I'll have several pounds of No. 2. Thank you!

  6. I love this book. I brewed a lot of recipes in that books since I own it. People seem to forget how French Canadians love British ale style (and belgian ale too). Everywhere else in North America now it's American Lager and new style IPA's. French Canadians are ale drinkers. The only reason why they sale Budweiswer and Coors light It is because it's more often on sale due to English Canada. Local microbreweries are full of ale drinkers and old timers still drink Labatt 50, Molson Export and O'keefe. My local grocery still sell Labatt Porter. Love it. Every time I brew a beer from that book people love it.

  7. Anonymous,
    glad to hear that the recipes are well received.
