
Monday 17 December 2018

Where next?

It's time to start planning next year's US travel. As usual, I aim to visit at least one new state,

Fancy hearing me talk or, if you have a brewery, brewing a beer? Then get in touch and I'll see whether I can fit you in.


  1. If you come to Michigan again how about visiting a bit farther north? The tri-cities area of Bay City, Saginaw and Midland are home to a couple of good sized clubs, several craft brewers of various sizes and some pretty decent home brew supply stores that are active with all of them. I could put some feelers out to see if anyone wants to host one of your talks. Just let me know what I need to tell them what needs to be done on this end.


  2. Charleston, South Carolina. Awesome place to visit with plenty of local breweries and huge hospitality industry.
