
Saturday 1 October 2016

1947 Shepherd Neame BA

I hope you’re enjoying gambolling through pasture of 1940’s brewing. Doesn’t it make you glad to be alive? In a different decade, obviously. The 1940’s sound pretty grim. Especially the post-war years.

You’ll be pleased to hear that we’re leaving watery beers aside for a . . . slightly less watery beer. One with all the punch of an Ordinary Bitter. Let’s face, this is pretty much the same beer as BB. Just a little bit stronger. It’s a weird world, the late 1940’s. Where a brewery might have four or five beers under 1033º.

I’m going to struggle to draw this out over 100 words. Er, pretty boring grist: pale malt, the obligatory flaked barley and a touch of malt extract. Again, around half of the hops look as if they’ve come from Shepherd Neame’s own hop garden.

Just a slightly stronger version of the BB. That’s it really. Just about done with Shep’s 1947 beer range. Just one to go: LDA. Guess what that is. Go on. Not got it? A waterier version of BA. Hard to believe that a beer of 1034º could be a brewery’s strongest. But it’s true. BA was the strongest beer Shep’s brewed in 1947. Happy days? I don’t think so.

1947 Shepherd Neame BA
pale malt 6.50 lb 80.55%
flaked barley 1.50 lb 18.59%
malt extract 0.07 lb 0.87%
Fuggles 120 mins 0.75 oz
Goldings 30 mins 0.75 oz
Goldings dry hops 0.25 oz
OG 1034.3
FG 1006.1
ABV 3.73
Apparent attenuation 82.22%
IBU 22
Mash at 151º F
Sparge at 170º F
Boil time 120 minutes
pitching temp 63º F
Yeast a Southern English Ale yeast


  1. Ron,

    when I lived in Kent in the early '80s, the strongest draught beer in a SN pub was the lager, og 1046, I think.

    At a time when most pub lager was a miserable strength, this could be a problem!

    I don't suppose the recipe for that is in there? I doubt if you will find it under the names that we called it - "Faversham frosty", "The yellow peril"!


  2. Ahh, that will be Hürlimann (aka Hooligan).
    Gleefully necked by Men of Kent and Kentish Men in all good hostelries.
    Happy days.
