
Saturday 18 January 2014

Watney's Mild Ale 1870 - 1929

Watney's and Mild Ale. A combination that's bound to pull the readers in. This will prove to Andrew that he's wrong. Everyone loves Mild. Especially Dark Mild.

Look, if I do a poll of those legally able to drink in this family, 100% like Dark Mild. Love it even. There - statistical proof, Andrew, that everyone loves Dark Mild. Not the beers we'll be looking at today were necessarily that dark. Many London Milds between the wars were half dark, about midway between true Dark Mild and Bitter. Though there were breweries, Barclay Perkins, for example, who produced differently coloured versions of the same beer by adding caramel at racking time.

I've so many examples of Watney's Mild, I'm spreading them across several instalments. And ridiculous numbers from other London breweries. Unsurprisingly, as Mild was an extremely popular style and an important product for most breweries. It's obvious that Whitbread and Truman would be very interested in what their competitors were up to with their Milds.

Just checked on Whitbread's Mild output in the 1920's and it's rather less than I would have expected - a little over 20% of the total. Here are all the numbers in nice table form.

Whitbread Mild output in the 1920's
LA X MA All Milds All beers
Year barrels brewed %age of total barrels brewed %age of total barrels brewed %age of total barrels brewed %age of total barrels brewed
1921 127,944 18.94% 53,930 7.98% 181,874 27% 675,647
1922 99,485 17.27% 35,893 6.23% 135,378 23% 576,118
1923 89,145 17.65% 22,939 4.54% 112,084 22% 505,097
1924 21,844 3.96% 101,221 18.35% 123,065 22% 551,616
1925 18,260 3.46% 103,961 19.69% 122,221 23% 527,977
1926 14,861 2.90% 104,632 20.41% 119,493 23% 512,528
1927 10,660 2.31% 93,752 20.28% 104,412 23% 462,250
1928 9,317 6.55% 113,934 23.33% 123,251 25% 488,357
1929 7,972 9.29% 130,609 29.42% 138,581 31% 443,888
Whitbread Ale brewing records document numbers LMA/4453/D/01/086, LMA/4453/D/01/087, LMA/4453/D/01/088, LMA/4453/D/01/089, LMA/4453/D/01/090, LMA/4453/D/01/091, LMA/4453/D/01/093, LMA/4453/D/01/094, LMA/4453/D/01/095 and LMA/4453/D/01/096 held at the London Metropolitan Archives.
Whitbread Porter brewing records document numbers LMA/4453/D/09/113, LMA/4453/D/09/114, LMA/4453/D/09/115, LMA/4453/D/09/116, LMA/4453/D/09/117, LMA/4453/D/09/118, LMA/4453/D/09/119, LMA/4453/D/09/120, LMA/4453/D/09/121 and LMA/4453/D/09/122  held at the London Metropolitan Archives.

Before we go any further, I should emphasise that the beers were looking at here are the full-strength Milds. Beers usually called X Ale by the brewery. There were two other weaker classes which we'll examine in a later post. Whitbread LA and MA in the table above belonged to the weakest class of Mild.

Watney's Mild Ale 1870 - 1929
Date Beer Price per pint (pence) Acidity FG OG ABV App. Atten-uation
1870 Mild 2 0.19 1018.7 1063.76 5.85 70.67%
1922 X 7 1008.6 1042.1 4.36 79.57%
1922 X 7 1009 1042.5 4.36 78.82%
1922 X 7 1008.8 1042.8 4.42 79.44%
1922 X 7 1042.9
1922 X 7 1009 1044 4.55 79.55%
1922 X 7 1009.3 1046.3 4.82 79.91%
1923 X 7 1008.6 1038.6 3.90 77.72%
1923 X 6 1007.6 1041.1 4.36 81.51%
1923 X 6 1009 1041.5 4.22 78.31%
1923 X 7 1008.6 1042.6 4.42 79.81%
1923 X 7 1008.8 1043.8 4.55 79.91%
1923 X 7 1009 1044 4.55 79.55%
1923 X 7 1009 1045 4.68 80.00%
1923 X 7 1008.4 1045.4 4.82 81.50%
1924 X 6 1008.5 1044.9 4.74 81.07%
1924 X 6 1045.9
1924 X 6 1009.4 1046 4.76 79.57%
1925 X 6 1009.8 1044.9 4.56 78.17%
1926 X 6 1039.6
1926 X 6 1041.3
1926 X 6 1043
1926 X 6 1043.3
1926 X 6 1043.5
1926 X 6 1043.5
1928 X 6 0.06 1010.3 1041.3 4.02 75.06%
1928 X 6 0.07 1012.3 1043.3 4.02 71.59%
1928 X 6 1009.8 1044.8 4.55 78.13%
1929 X 6 0.08 1011.2 1043 4.13 73.95%
1929 X 6 0.07 1013 1043.1 3.90 69.84%
British Medical Journal 1870, vol. 1, 1870, page 68.
Truman Gravity Book document B/THB/C/252 held at the London Metropolitan Archives.
Whitbread Gravity book held at the London Metropolitan Archives, document number LMA/4453/D/02/001.

You'll notice that I've thrown in a Watney's Mild from the 1870's. That gravity in the 1060's is pretty typical of X Ales of the period.

But how typical was Watney's Mild of London X Ales? Let's take a look shall we:

London Mild Ales in the 1920's
Year Brewer Beer Price per pint (pence) FG OG colour ABV App. Atten-uation
1922 Barclay Perkins 7d 7 1010 1042 4.16 76.19%
1922 Camden M 1010.5 1043.8 40 4.40 75.95%
1922 Charrington 7d 7 1010 1042 39 4.16 76.19%
1922 Lion Brewery X 7 1006.3 1041.2 4.55 84.71%
1922 Mann 7d 7 1010 1046.5 50 4.75 78.49%
1922 Meux X 7 1006.8 1041.3 4.49 83.54%
1922 Truman X 7 1011.1 1042.1 4.02 73.63%
1922 Whitbread X 7 1009.3 1043.3 4.42 78.52%
1923 Barclay Perkins X 7 1013.2 1044.7 4.08 70.47%
1923 Camden M 1009.4 1043.8 40 4.54 78.48%
1923 Charrington X 7 1009.6 1042.6 4.29 77.46%
1923 Lion Brewery X 7 1007.6 1042.1 4.49 81.95%
1923 Mann X 7 1010 1042.5 4.22 76.47%
1923 Meux X 6 1009.6 1042.2 4.24 77.25%
1923 Truman X 7 1010.2 1041.7 4.09 75.54%
1923 Whitbread X 1008 1042.1 40B + 1.5R 4.44 81.00%
1924 Barclay Perkins X 6 1011.7 1044.6 4.27 73.77%
1924 Camden M 1011.1 1043.5 45 4.29 74.52%
1924 Cannon Brewery X 6 1010.5 1039 3.69 73.08%
1924 Mann X 6 1007.3 1043.7 4.74 83.30%
1924 Smith Garrett X 6 1045.1
1924 Truman X 6 1014.1 1043 3.74 67.21%
1924 Whitbread X 1012.0 1042.7 40 + 5 4.06 71.87%
1925 Barclay Perkins X 6 1011.4 1044 4.23 74.09%
1925 Cannon Brewery X 6 1010.4 1039.8 3.81 73.87%
1925 Meux X 6 1004 1041.2 4.86 90.29%
1925 Truman X 6 1010.8 1041 3.92 73.66%
1925 Whitbread X 1010.0 1042.2 40 + 7 4.26 76.30%
1926 Barclay Perkins X 1010.8 1043.2 4.21 75.00%
1926 Charrington X 6 1043.4
1926 City of London X 6 1045.4
1926 Lion Brewery X 6 1042.6
1926 Mann X 6 1043.8
1926 Meux X 6 1043.8
1926 Smith Garrett X 6 1041.9
1926 Taylor Walker X 6 1045.7
1926 Truman X 6 1045
1926 Wenlock X 6 1042.8
1926 Whitbread X 1012.5 1042.6 40 + 13 3.99 70.68%
1927 Whitbread X 1014.0 1042.8 40 +13 3.81 67.27%
1928 Barclay Perkins X 1011.0 1042.9 42 4.22 74.35%
1928 Courage X 6 1010 1042.7 4.25 76.58%
1928 Hoare X 6 1012.2 1043.3 4.03 71.82%
1928 Mann X 6 1010.7 1045.6 4.53 76.54%
1928 Taylor Walker X 6 1013 1044.5 4.08 70.79%
1928 Truman X 6 1011.7 1042.7 4.02 72.60%
1928 Whitbread X 1012.5 1042.1 40 + 13 3.92 70.31%
1929 Barclay Perkins X 1012.5 1042.6 40 3.98 70.65%
1929 Hoare X 6 1011 1044.7 4.38 75.39%
1929 Mann X 6 1009 1044 4.55 79.55%
1929 Taylor Walker X 6 1014.7 1044 3.79 66.59%
1929 Truman X 6 1010 1042 4.16 76.19%
1929 Whitbread X 1012.0 1042.2 40 + 14 4.00 71.57%
Average 6.3 1010.5 1043.0 4.21 75.43%
Barclay Perkins brewing records
Camden Brewery brewing records document number ACC/2305/9/5 held at the London Metropolitan Archives.
Truman Gravity Book held at the London Metropolitan Archives, document number B/THB/C/252
Whitbread Gravity book held at the London Metropolitan Archives, document number LMA/4453/D/02/001
Whitbread brewing records document numbers LMA/4453/D/01/089, LMA/4453/D/01/090, LMA/4453/D/01/091, LMA/4453/D/01/093, LMA/4453/D/01/094 and LMA/4453/D/01/095 held at the London Metropolitan Archives.

The answer is: pretty typical. The gravity was usually a point or two either side of the average of 1043. The attenuation was a tad higher than the average of 75%, but there were examples from other breweries with values over 80%. Looking at both tables, it does appear that the rate of attenuation was higher in the first half of the decade than the second.

A note on the colour values. 40 is the half dark colour, 40 + 13 is dark brown.

Next time we'll have a quick run through the other classes of London Mild in the 1920's.

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