
Monday 27 January 2014

Fun, fun, fun

Judging by the number of comments, you're loving my parallel series about the Camden Brewery and pre-war Mild. So I've decided to combine dodgy Mild and obscure London breweries. Like 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown, but without the laughs. Or word games.

In my longest series of consecutive posts ever, I'll analyse the quality of the Mild Ale from different London breweries. And rank them. Whose Mild was in the best condition? Whose pubs couldn't serve a clear pint? All stuff I'm sure you need to know.

I'd run out of stuff from the newspaper archives about the Camden Brewery. That's why I had a look in the rows of Brewers' Journals that look like decorative items (in the chaos of our front room). I'll be able to stretch out that series for a bit longer. Year-end financial reports - who doesn't love those?

You may have noticed that I get obsessed with things. London breweries that closed between the wars is my current one. Is that weird? I doubt it's entertaining.

The large-scale 1890's OS maps online are to blame. They've sucked me into London.When will I emerge?


  1. When time travel becomes reality this obsession will be worth a fortune.

  2. I think I know where that pub is in the map...

  3. Jeff,

    a distinctive site, isn't it?

  4. Bill,

    there will be a big jump in beer consumption in the past when time travel starts in earnest.
