
Sunday 4 March 2012

Kindle editions of Porter! and Decoction!

The kids have finally got their fingers out and sorted the technical problems with creating Kindle editions. Or Rather Lexie has. And all just for cash money.

He's done two so far, "Porter!" and "Decoction!".

After he's gone to all that trouble. it would be a shame if none of you bastards bought them.

For those in the USA, these are the links:




  1. Splendid. Don't forget to link to the .com version of Amazon as well, for the non-UK readers (we can't buy Kindle books from

  2. Some criticism: although it's converted to the Kindle mobi format, it doesn't quite take advantage of the format. For one, the table of contents is very ugly (broken lines from simply converting the paper book's lay-out), listing page numbers that are of course irrelevant to an ebook. It still works, so I can use it to jump to whichever chapter I choose. However, the chapters themselves don't work, so I can't jump from chapter to chapter by sliding up or down on the Kindle Touch.

    At least one table is not a table but a mess of almost unreadable numbers (Whitbread Porter and Stout grists 1805 1844). Make that two (Output of the largest London breweries 1750 - 1815 as well). Notes look like part of the body text. Bullet points appear as some other weird unicode signs.

    The text itself is readable enough, although some of it seems more appropriate for the blog format.

  3. please get Lexie to do Trips West as I'm going to be in Cologne and Duesseldorf soon.
