
Wednesday 23 November 2011

Scotland for sale!

Or rather "Scotland!" for sale. Yes, it's that time of  year again. The nights are drawing in, the turkey's getting nervous and I'm trying to hawk another book.

If you've read this blog anytime in the last three months you might have noticed a bit of a theme going on. A Caledonian one. It seemed a shame to let all those words just leak off into cyberspace. That's why I squeezed them into a book.

And just in time for the biggest book-buying bonanza of the year. What a happy coincidence.

It's packed with my trademark long quotes and number-packed tables. Along with a few feeble jokes and the odd kick thrown in the direction of my less assiduous colleagues.

The best book ever written about Scottish beer*. Not that there's a great deal in the way of competition.

In short, a book every Scottish beer-lover and every lover of Scottish beer should own. Buy a copy now!

* Ian Donnachie's excellent book is about the Scottish brewing industry, not Scottish beer.


  1. Is "Strong!" going to come out? I feel my knowledge of British beer styles is still lacking.

  2. Does the book explain the origin of the modern north american/BJCP idea of scottish ales? It can't be something they just made up. There has to be some truth in it. I'm looking at a bottle of Belhaven Wee Heavy and the label says "Belhaven Wee Heavy has a rich deep flavour that derives from the greater proportion of malted barley to hops which characterised Scottish ales of the 19th century." I recently re-read the Scottish Ale chapter in Ray Daniel's Designing Great Beer. He acknowledges that Alloa was a great brewing centre producing IPA's for export and questions the origin of the peaty smokey, low hopped, malty ale but he goes on to describe it as a unique style from Scotland.

  3. Edward, no, they couldn't have just made that up. Could they?

    The book is a shitload of source material that lets you draw your own conclusions.

  4. Ed, I've been distracted by Caledonia.

    "Strong!" is a pathetic handful of pages, way from ready.

    Andrew loves your avatar.
