
Tuesday 31 May 2011

We're all bastards

Bitchy, divisive, argumentative, petty, partisan, bigoted, puerile, shallow, fickle, inconsiderate, incorrigible,  retrogressive, inflexible, intolerant, uncritical, passive, manipulated, corrupt, corrupted, corrupting, corruptible, unreadable, intemperate, gauche, unbelievable, impenetrable, obtuse, oblique, bloody-minded, uncontrollable, inebriate, insolvent, incoherent, unstable, unhinged, unanswerable, unable, enabled, entitled, embittered, iridescent, incandescent, unaccountable, contemptible, contemporary, incontinent, irrelevant, incomprehensible, pretentious, precocious, pernicious, irredescent, incandescent, impenetrable, imprecise, unaccountable, unstable, indefensible, egotistical, eccentric, introspective, inflexible, grumpy, self-absorbed, left-handed, historical, hysterical, hoptatstic, hyperactive, hyper-critical, fanatic, fantastic, fantastical, flamboyant, self-publicising, publicity-seeking, unnerving, unnatural, lazy, obsessed, illegitimate, ignorant, indigenous, inaccessible, insoluble, nasty, negative, onctuous,  pointless, questionable, ridiculous, stupid, trash, uninteresting, venal, wimpy, brash, brassy, brass-necked, bland.

We're a bastard of bloggers.


  1. How exciting. I've always wanted to be an uncontrollable. Let's just hope we don't have a day mournful and overcast.

  2. Exciting. Shit. How did I forget that adjective?

  3. If this is connected to what a high-ranking CAMRA official said at conference recently I wouldn't worry about it. He's obviously not very intelligent.
    ("It may have hops in it but it's still keg") - I ask you.....

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Incontinent."

    I nearly wet myself when I read that one. Ha!

  6. Anonymous, no, not in the slightest. That's not what this post is about at all.

  7. You forgot self-important, contradictory, hyperbolic and irritable.
