
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Preparing beer for bottling

We're back with the Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing and their article on carbonated bottled beer.

This time, it's more of a how to.

"Preparing the Beer for Bottling.—
The beer should remain on the stools for at least three weeks before bottling, and should then be fairly bright and sound ; at the time of stooling, the barrels should be fined if required."

The light dinner ale should be dry hopped, with about three-quarters of a pound per barrel.

It is also advisable to add a little finings to the stout at time of stooling.

A beer will sometimes, after being filtered and bottled, turn dull; this is due to the change of temperature in the cellars and storing room for the bottled beer; therefore we find it best to keep the cellars and bottling stores at the same temperature, varying between 55º and 60º Fahr.

As is well known, a carbonated beer can be sent out directly it has been bottled; but it can also be kept without throwing the slightest deposit for two or three months, maintaining its character and flavour as well.

It has been said of carbonated ales that they lose all their character by being carbonated, but we maintain that a beer properly carbonated will taste as full of character as the same beer will do when bottled on the old system. The carbonation of beer by this process does not get agitated, and thereby lose its character, which is, we think, it great distinguishing feature.

The special features of carbonation of beers by this process are :—

(1.) That the beer is thoroughly impregnated and in the proper proportions with carbonic acid gas.

(2.) The process is an automatic and continuous one, and consequently the beer after carbonation does not get agitated in any way, so preventing the access of air to the bottle, points which we think cannot be claimed for any other carbonating process. "
"Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing, vol VIII, 1902", pages 305-306.

Carbonated beer made the right way tastes just like naturally-conditioned beer? Yeah, right. I believe you mate. I'm sure that statement's totally unconnected with you pushing this process.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Ron and it's sort of a circular argument, I mean, what is the correct amount of CO2 to put into beer to begin with? The truth is forced carbonation does not equal naturally-produced carbonation. It may in chemical terms but the result on the palate is different.

    I think when he states bottled filtered beer can become "dull" he means oxidized. This is indeed a risk of bottling such beer unless it's pasteurised (which he doesn't refer to). And 2-3 months in my experience is the limit pretty much for the life of bottled filtered beer. It will be drinkable after the risk of sourness or oxidation rises steeply after this time again in my experience. In truth, bottle-conditioned beer has a lot of stability, a factor often forgotten today.

