
Thursday 18 November 2010

Back to hop additions again

Yes, hop additions again. I thought I'd finished with the topic, but, you know, well, it's hard to let go. Just like me. I always hang on to stuff way too long. That's why our house is so full of junk.

"Meanwhile, the copper has been refilled, the water boiled, and, when cooled to a temperature of 198°, forty gallons is sparged on the grains for the table beer wort, and allowed to remain on the mash for the space of one hour and a quarter. Before the copper is empty, the fire is damped, and the whole of the ale worts from the under back turned into it as quickly as possible, with 8 lbs. of the best hops : the fire is rekindled, made to burn briskly, and the wort to boil as quickly as possible, and kept so boiling, that it may the sooner break, and fine itself. After it has thus boiled for thirty or forty minutes, the wort will probably be broken, and much of the goodness of the hops extracted: the remaining 8 lbs. of hops are now introduced, and the boiling continued for thirty minutes more. By this mode of dividing the hops, an aromatic flavour is imparted to the ale which greatly improves it, while the hops are more valuable for the table beer wort. The boiling being finished, and the fire damped, the wort is run off upon the cooler through a large hair sieve, but is well stirred in the copper while running, to prevent the hops from subsiding at the bottom. In the meantime, about seventy gallons of the table beer wort, at a gravity of about 6 lbs. to the barrel, has been run into the underback, and is with the hops quickly turned into the copper, and the fire renewed. This wort is then made to boil quickly for the space of one hour, and turned off on the coolers in the ordinary way; or, as it is very desirable to increase the gravity of so weak a wort, it is allowed to remain all night in the copper, with the fire damped, which will further decrease the bulk by evaporation to from forty-eight to forty-four gallons, according to the means employed."
"The brewer: a familier treatise on the art of brewing" by Brewer, 1856, pages 79-81.

The anonymous author is another two hop addition man. Half the hops at the start of the boil, the other half 30 minutes before the end of the boil. Seems quite a popular method.

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