
Friday 30 April 2010

More Austria in 1865

You can blame Pivni Filosof for this. Asking questions after my last Austria in 1865 post. He got me thinking. Something that's always dangerous.

Austrian beer production and no. breweries in 1865
Kronländer no. breweries output (Austrian eimer) output (hl) population pop. per brewery output per head (litres)
Niederösterreich 127 2,864,015 1,621,183 1,990,700 15,674.80 81.44
Oberösterreich 286 958,256 542,423 736,500 2,575.17 73.65
Salzburg 76 315,144 178,388 153,200 2,015.79 116.44
Böhmen 1028 5,416,962 3,066,284 5,140,200 5,000.19 59.65
Mähren 281 1,233,405 698,172 2,030,800 7,227.05 34.38
Schlesien 80 283,742 160,613 513,400 6,417.50 31.28
Ostgalizien 189 456,593 258,456

Westgalizien 124 276,853 156,713 5,444,000 43,904.75 7.63
Bukowina 20 48,681 27,556 513,400 25,670.00 5.37
Steiermark 125 547,500 309,914 1,137,700 9,101.60 27.24
Kärnthen 203 148,954 84,316 337,700 1,663.55 24.97
Krain 23 45,732 25,887 468,800 20,382.61 5.52
Küstenland 2 1,016 575 602,000 301,000.00 0.1
Tirol und Vorarlberg 143 291,843 165,198 885,400 6,191.61 18.66
Ungarn und Serbien 286 846,383 479,097 11,180,000 39,090.91 4.29
Croatien und Slavonien 27 45,522 25,768 868,400 32,162.96 2.97
Militärgrenze 34 52,040 29,457 1,197,200 35,211.76 2.46
Siebenbürgen 84 110,576 62,592 2,122,500 25,267.86 2.95
Total 1865 3,138 13,943,217 7,892,591 35,321,900 11,256.18 22.34
“Bericht über der Welt Ausstellung zu Paris im Jahre 1867, volume 7”, 1868, page 125.

A couple of points. The population figures are for slightly later, 1869 to be precise. But close enough to be meaningful.

Despite the text claiming that it was boom time for Austrian brewing, the amount of beer produced per head was quite small. Only Salzburg, Niederösterreich and Oberösterreich look impressive. I'll remark that Salzburg, the are producing relatively the most, had been part of Bavaria for a few years during the Napoleonic Wars. Bohemia and Moravia were well behind, which came as a bit of a surprise. As the reputation of Bohemian beer in particular was on the up.

That'll do for now. But I don't think I've quite finished with these numbers yet.

1 comment:

  1. That many people lived here back then? I would have guessed that it wouldn't be more than 2mill...

    But the, two wars, ethnic cleansing and four decades of many people doing the impossible to get out won't be very good to your population.

    Still, the output is pretty impressive.
