
Wednesday 9 September 2009

London visit

I'm just back from a couple of days in London. And feeling totally knackered. "What did you do in London?" This and that. Oh alright then. Here are (some of) the details.

The main reason for the visit was to be one of the judges at the International Beer Challenge. (Before you say anything, I do realise the irony in me being a beer judge. Especially as I haven't been certified.) It took all day. Surprising what a chore it can be drinking from morning until early evening. Especially when you kick off with nine alcohol-free beers.

Having a good group at the table made it less of an ordeal. People with far more discerning palates than mine. Jo Copestick, De de Moor, the bloke who runs Beer Essentials (whose name escapes me) and Kelly, brewer at Thornbridge. It made me realise how many subtleties I nornally miss.

What else did I do? Ate a Cornish nasty, had two full English breakfasts, drank a few pints of Old Puke at the Gunmakers, met Boak and Bailey for some beers, visited the archives and bought pork pies and mini Scotch eggs for the kids. Not too bad in just 30 hours. Now I'm in need of rest. Dire need. My eyelids are dropping even as I type this.

But I won't be getting any rest. Not tonight, anyway. I've got to go to the opening of Beer Temple, Amsterdam's new American beer bar. It's a hard life, being an international pisshead. Sorry, international beer blogger. You really wouldn't want to do it.


  1. You must be desperate for pork pies if you got them in London. I don't bother unless I'm in Yorkshire nowadays.

  2. It was good to meet you after the IBC judging, Ron. Sadly, though, I can't remember a word of what you said when I asked you about the Compensation Authority in the 20s (no reflection on how interesting your answer was - it's just that I'd had quite a lot of beer by that point...). Any chance you could refresh my memory?

  3. Nice to meet you on Sunday, Ron, although you and Boak lost me a bit when you got onto your linguistics...

  4. Tom, I'll look it up at the weekend. I'm sure it will be in the Brewers' Almanack. You can have a scan.

  5. Bailey, good choice of pub. In an unpromising location. Good German beer. You can't beat it.

  6. Considering how knackered you were, you seemed to do pretty well on Wednesday :)

    Was nice meeting you! Let me know if you're ever heading towards Münster or the Ruhrgebiet.

  7. Barry, nice to meet you, too. I really must get back to Münster soon.
