
Tuesday 14 April 2009

Museum Tram

It's become a tradition, taking the Museum Tram out to Bovenkerk on Easter Sunday. Yesterday, it being Easter Sunday, we duly walked down to Haarlemmermeer Station at 12:00.

The fact that the starting point of the Museum Tram is just a 10-minute walk away makes it an easy outing. I'm all for easy outings. No messing around first getting a tram to Centraal Station, buying a train ticket, getting on a train, etc, etc. Just a gentle stroll past the tram garage and the ladies' prison.

It was Lexie who had suggested it. "Can we go on the Museum Tram, dad?" He's not daft. He knows that volunteers, dressed as easter bunnies, give out chocolate eggs on the tram on Easter Sunday.

We timed our arrival just a little too well. We got straight onto a 1940's vintage Amsterdam tram that was on the point of departure. No time for dad to nip into Macy's for a quick Duvel. I hadn't mentioned why I didn't object to this particular excursion, did I? There's a pub at either end of the Museum Tram line. Both are in my Amsterdam Pub Guide.

The Easter bunnies came around almost immediately after the tram set off. A whole family of them. I took a chocolate egg, too. Not for me, obviously. I believe sugar is evil. None has passed my lips for 30 years. Except brewing sugar. I make an exception for that.

Our destination, Silversant, is a lazy stroll from the tram terminus. Enough to give us a bit of an appetite. Just as well, as our intention was to eat there.

I've been drinking in Silversant as long as anywhere around Amsterdam. It was the standard after-work destination at my first Dutch job. Not that we had much choice of where to go, Amstelveen being almost totally devoid of pubs.

The weather, with the sun veiled by mist, was just good enough for sitting outside, but not so good that the terrace was crowded. I don't like it too warm, anyway. Or too sunny. In fact, overcast skies and a light drizzle is my favourite. I know. I'm weird.

One of the bad habits I've picked up from blogging is photographing my beer. And my food.

"Can you stop taking photos and let us eat, dad." "Andrew, get your hand out of the way." Daaaaad, I'm hungry." "Who's paying for this?" That's my trump card. Money.

Beer. That's the theme around here, isn't it? I almost forgot. I had a few Chouffes. A very pleasant summer beer. And one that doesn't suffer much from a little chilling. Dolores had a Wittekerke Witbier. She must have liked it, because she had three.

"Can I try your beer , dad?" "OK, Lexie" It looked more like he was spitting into it than drinking it. Little bastard. Just as well it was nearly empty. "You can finish that. I'll get myself a fresh one."

After stuffing ourselves we wandered back to the tram stop through the edge of the Amsterdamse Bos. That bit is a sort of water park, where swampy ground and winding waterways surround a huge lake. It's really quite idyllic. If it weren't for the aircraft taking off every 30 seconds from nearby Schiphol, you could be in the middle of nowhere.

We got home in time for another tradition. One than happens every Sunday. Me falling asleep in front of the television. What an exciting life I lead.

Elektrische Museumetramlijn Amsterdam
Amstelveenseweg 264,
1075 XV Amsterdam.

Amstelveenseweg 266,
1075 XV Amsterdam.
Tel. 020-671 2717

Eetcafé Silversant
Noorddammerlaan 119,
1187 AC Amstelveen.
Tel. 020 - 641 4851


  1. I don't know why, but somehow i like pictures of food.
    Your steak sure looks good there....

  2. My steak was very tasty. And only 15 euros.
