
Wednesday 19 March 2008

The results are in

The poll for what I should get brewed next is now closed. The results were:

1856 and 1937 Barclay Perkins IBSt 28%
1880's Guinness Porter and Extra Stout 20%
1901 Whitbread PA and IPA 17%
1800's Burton Ale and Scotch Ale 13%
18th century Stitch and Brown Stout 8%
1869 Barclay Perkins KK and KKKK 7%
1805 and 1862 Barclay Perkins BSt 5%
1839 Griffin Brewery XX and KK 3%
1839 Griffin X and XXX 1%
1881 Whitbread KK and 1923 Whitbread KK 0%
1881 Whitbread X and 1923 Whitbread X 0%

Just as well Menno ordered that ton of brown malt. He'll be needing some for my next two beers: 1856 and 1937 Barclay Perkins IBSt (Russian Stout). I was heartbroken when S & N discontinued Russian Stout after being continuously produced for over 200 years. I'm fortunate enough to have a lifetime's supply. For the rest of you, what an opportunity to try this beer. In my opinion, the best ever brewed.

Now the voting's over I can give you my opinion. The two IBSt's are the beers I would most like to drink, but aren't what I would have chosen to be brewed . I would have preferred either the Barclay Perkins KK and KKKK or 1805 and 1865 BSt (Brown Stout).

If I were a fair man, numbers two and three in the poll would be my next projects. But I'm not a fair man. And brewing three Stouts in a row would be dull. I want to try some other styles.


  1. For those of us who may be planning a trip to the Netherlands later in the year, could you keep us posted on the timescale for brewing and, most importantly, selling these?

    That way we'll know the optimum time to come over and burgle your gaff / visit Bodegraven / both.

  2. I was drinking with my mate who is of the Whitbread clan last night. He's terribly pleased someone has brewed beers from his family business's heyday.

  3. Brown malt used to be diastic. It no longer is. How do you account for this in the recipe?
