
Thursday 3 January 2008

Map 2

Alexei has different interests to Andrew.

Can you guess what they are?

Grotere kaart weergeven

The world. What a place, eh? Argentina is country I would most like to visit. Even before I learned how many new breweries they had. If someone wants to pay for my airfare, I'll compile the definitive guide to Argentinian beer. Really. Or die trying. (That's not an idle boast.)

What interests Alexei? Volcanoes.

Theme maintenance situation.


  1. Argentina is a beer wasteland when I visited. Quilmes and Crystal were the big local brands. There was a small town we visited settled by Germans that had a couple of breweries. They were passable, nothing fantastic. Wine is definitely their beverage.

  2. Follow the link. Argentina has a surprisingly large number of micros. But I wanted to visit there long before I found out about that.

  3. twas a great trip for me. Beef, empanadas, the odd local pizza, and goat of all things were the food highlights for me. I visited three cerveceros artesanales in Villa General Belgrano, which is the village famous for its teutonic settlers, and the fact that graf spee survivors settled there as well. Gnomes, timber framed alpine buildings, Spanish signs and dusty arid hill, very disconcerting.

  4. That's exactly why I want to go to Argentina. Interesting juxtapositions of different cultures.

    Seems somehow apposite the Graf Spee survivors should live somewher called General Belgrano.

  5. My Thomas (9) is into volcanoes as well. We have ticked off Santorini and Etna so far, and Iceland is on the list.

  6. Argentina is indeed a superb country for beer and - well - just about everything else.

    I've been twice in two years and found Buenos Aires to be one of my favourite cities in the world thus far... and, as long as you can forgive some micro brewers the odd hiccup, there's some great beer to be had too. Or at least I thought so...

  7. If you go to Argentina, try small El Bolson settlement not far from Bariloche, a self-proclaimed 'anti-nuclear' town and sort of hippie (not so hippie nowadays) capital of Argentina. The area itself is amazing and even better... every third house makes (and often sells) their own homebrew! It took me long time to leave the place.
